New Here? So Am I!


Welcome to That's So Celiac new home!

I am so excited that I have turned a goal of mine into reality thanks to one of my MBA@UD classes, which allowed me to start creating a community where those with celiac disease, those who want to learn more about celiac disease, and/or those who simply want to try yummy gluten-free recipes can come. Now I am continuing to grow and learn as TSC grows, which is why you seeing TSC on a new platform!

I created That’s So Celiac as when I was diagnosed, I felt so overwhelmed (especially standing in the middle of numerous grocery stores) and that there were so many different avenues of information telling me different things or not telling me enough. I learned very quickly that I am going to have to do a lot of research to educate myself so that I can educate others and advocate for myself to keep my body functioning at its optimal level. I also learned that not every link you click and article you read is going to be consistent with information. That is where the idea of creating a platform where someone who was living with celiac could come to find information from someone that is living with the same auto-immune disease and understands the struggle they are going through. Again, I am not a doctor, a registered nurse, or an integrative health practitioner, so I will not be prescribing anything and/or saying you have to use or do certain things to live with celiac disease. However, I will share my journey, which includes books, tips & tricks, recipes, and brands/products I have found not only useful, but effective in living with celiac.

My hope is that when you come to this page, you leave feeling like you have a good friend that understands what you are going through whether you are living with celiac disease, living a gluten-free lifestyle, and/or are someone that is trying to learn more about celiac and/or the gluten-free world to help better support someone in your life. I hope that you feel supported, educated, and empowered to advocate for yourself and your health!

I look forward to sharing tips & tricks, recipes, brands, books, and other things that will help you navigate a life that more than likely has you saying #ThatsSoCeliac a few times a day.

To learn more about me, check out the About page.


A that’s so encouraging word


What is Celiac Disease?