
that’s so celiac

a community centered around celiac disease, life, food, travels, and living your best life with an autoimmune disease.

Advocacy | Confidence | Education | Empowerment

That’s So Banana’s

my free recipe download for all things banana &
of course gluten free!

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the latest on that’s so celiac

That’s So Celiac’s Story
Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

That’s So Celiac’s Story

TSC is a safe place for anyone to be seen, heard and understood. However if you haven’t noticed by the name of the business is specifically geared towards those living with celiac disease / living the gluten free life / living with an autoimmune disease.

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That’s So Questions to Ask While Eating Out
Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

That’s So Questions to Ask While Eating Out

I personally understand that overwhelming feeling you get when you are diagnosed with celiac disease, especially the moments when you realize all the ways you possibly can get glutened. I put together a list of questions to help you navigate the social situations that tend to revolve around food.

Photo by Emily Mathewson Photography

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That’s So Gluten Free Labeling
Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

That’s So Gluten Free Labeling

How do I know a product is safe for me to consume? Can I trust the labeling? What does “gluten free” or “certified gluten free” even mean? I try my best to answer all of these questions in this blog post.

Photo by Emily Mathewson Photography

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That’s So Coffee vs Matcha
Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

That’s So Coffee vs Matcha

From a Lorelai Gilmore level coffee drinker to a matcha loving queen! Explaining why I went from a cup of coffee every day to a cup of tea along with some brands that I recommend of coffee and tea.

Photo by Emily Mathewson Photography

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That’s So Coffee Enema
Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

That’s So Coffee Enema

I was experiencing lower left groin and pelvic pain, which I thought may be tied to my PCOS diagnosis. However, I came to find out that my large intestine was extremely inflamed and I was extremely compacted. The idea and concept of a coffee enema was frightening at first, but researched how beneficial a coffee enema could be to my body and decided to give it a try for 15 days.

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That’s So PCOS
Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

That’s So PCOS

Last October, I went to my annual OGBYN exam, which resulted in some blood work and an internal ultrasound. This appointment, blood work, and ultrasound resulted in a diagnosis that I was not completely prepared to receive. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS].

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The story of that’s so celiac

Launched in 2019 as a community for those who have celiac disease, for those who know someone that has celiac, and/or those who are just curious about the gluten-free lifestyle. This site is set-up for readers to gain knowledge on celiac while not being overwhelmed with all the information you can find when you go to Google and being able to carry little tidbits of information into their daily lives and respond to any glutened situation with “Thats’ So Celiac”.

folloW along & join the tsc community!