That’s So Celiac Mini-Moon

Since 2020 has its own plans for all of us, we had to pivot on our planned honeymoon to Bali. We knew we still wanted to go somewhere to celebrate this big life event and have some quality time with one another after all the punches 2020 had thrown at us. So we rolled with the punches and booked a Monday-Friday stay at South Seas Island Resort in Captiva Island, FL.

Funny story about us picking South Seas, my in-laws told us about this resort as they stayed there for their own honeymoon. After looking up the resort and location, we knew it would be a perfect mini-moon for us. Not only did we not have to fly as it is short road trip for us [only had a 2H:40M drive to get there], but the amenities would offer us maximum relaxation!

The drive into the resort was absolutely stunning and we were not disappointed by the beauty of the resort either. The entire resort was clean, sanitized, and following COVID protocols. There were some establishments that were permanently closed along with altered hours and halted amenities, but we still had a wonderful time. Below I am going to walk through our day to day along with sharing all the yummy food and drinks we got to enjoy.

When we arrived on Monday, we were welcomed with a bottle of red wine and our hotel keys to our room in the Harbourside Hotel. We were marina side so our balcony views included palm trees, boats, and manatees. We would enjoy our breakfast [if it wasn’t too hot yet] and my cup of coffee out on the balcony before going to the private beach and/or the pool. The resort has many different accommodations, but if you are looking to simply have a place to sleep, shower & relax and be near all the amenities [restaurants, a smaller provisioning store, pools, and Sunset beach].

Due to COVID, the main breakfast place in North Pointe Village was closed, so the first morning we went to RC’s Otter. They did not have a big selection of celiac safe options, but I was still able to eat a solid picture [I typically do not eat eggs but my options for protein was extremely limited]. However, I found out during my morning coffee run to the Starbucks at the South Pointe Village that the main Provisioning Store [I 100% recommend this for any of your grocery and/or miscellaneous needs] offered gluten free bread for not only lunch sandwiches, but breakfast sandwiches as well. So Tuesday-Friday morning, I would go grab my coffee while the husband was still sound asleep and while waiting for the provisioning store to open. I had the perfect little morning routine down, which made my Type A personality extremely happy.

The provisioning store, which is called Captiva Provisions Company , happily surprised me with all of their options for gluten free groceries. I walked around looking at all the options with a big grin on my face because I knew if I needed something while on the resort I would be able to safely grab something.

Our first full day, we started at Sunset Beach, which has Attitudes Beach Bar and Latitudes Food Shack. While I was not able to enjoy the tacos offered at the Latitudes Food Shack, I was able to fully enjoy the beach bar. The celiac safe options for drinks was definitely not something I had to worry about. As guests of the resort, you are welcomed on the beach to chairs, umbrellas, and towels. We spent quite a few hours hanging on the beach, enjoying the water, the views, and the drinks. When we were ready for some food, the pool, and different views we would head to the resort pool complex, which had the Crooked Snook Tiki Bar.

When you walk into the resort pool complex, you are again welcomed with chairs, umbrellas, and towels. We always tried to get lounge chairs that over looked the water as the Snook and Dolphins would put on quite a show each day. Both of us were able to eat and drink very well while in this area. My go-to was the Impossible Burger on a gluten free bun with a side of fruit but also enjoy the chips & dips and the hummus platter! My go-to drink was the Prickly Pear Margarita. The staff was very knowledgable and made me feel safe with the menu and the food I was ordering.

Throughout the rest of our stay we would repeat the routine of breakfast, beach, and pool. We did tend to switch up dinner as we wanted to try out some other places like The Mucky Duck [we went twice], the Bubble Room, and the Doc Ford’s.

Bubble Room is a very eclectic restaurant and is definitely a unique dining experience. It is always Christmas at the Bubble Room. This is where we went the first night and had some amazing food! The wait staff aka our “Bubble Scout(s)” and the kitchen staff were knowledgable on celiac disease. My husband and I both had great food & drinks. Mike got to enjoy the garlic knots and cinnamon bread they give you as an appetizer.

The Mucky Duck is an establishment we went back to twice as the Alaskan King Crab Legs were delicious. Mike and I would share the entree as there was enough for the both of us to thoroughly enjoy. Plus, they are known for having the best seats for sunset. We got to enjoy amazing food, cold drinks, great views, and meet some very nice people. The staff was not as knowledgable as the other restaurants but was able to communicate with the wait staff and felt comfortable with the food choices that were made.

Doc Ford’s is a rum bar and grille that I thought was going to be a tourist trap but is an establishment with amazing food and a very knowledgeable wait & kitchen staff when it came to celiac disease. Fun fact, there are only four locations in the world and one actually just opened up near where we live. We will 100% be going to that location as the menu is great and there are lot of safe options for me and others to choose from. I had the best salmon entree I ever had at a restaurant , which was followed up by Queenie’s Sorbet, which can be found at Latte’da Coffee Shop & Deli.

All in all, we had a great mini-moon that was filled with great food, good drinks, lots of relaxation, and much appreciated & needed quality time with one another. We highly recommend South Seas Island Resort for anyone whom is looking for a vacation, honeymoon, getaway, etc.! Even amongst the craziness of 2020 and COVID, we felt safe at the resort.


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