That’s So Puppy Chow

I have not had Puppy Chow in over three years as I have not found that I personally categorize as “celiac safe” and dairy free version of it, so I created my own. I knew as soon as I came across Three Wishes and found out the unsweetened version of it tasted very much like Chex that I needed to make my own version of Puppy Chow.

Why do I like Three Wishes?

Not only is it the best gluten free and plant based cereal I have tried, but I also really appreciate the ingredients utilized. For example, the Unsweetened Three Wishes is made up of Chickpea, Tapioca, Pea Protein, and Salt. It is free of wheat, corn, rice, dairy, oats, peanuts, and soy. All of the Three Wishes cereals are made with minimal ingredients and are all ones I can read & know what they are. Plus, all their products are gluten free certified and tested under GFCO standards. There is no gluten present in their facility during production.

Why do I categorize this puppy chow as “celiac safe”?

I utilize the term celiac safe as a personal preference of knowing that the products being consumed are either certified gluten free and/or have a detailed process on how brands mitigate cross-contact 3/4 of the products utilized in this recipe are certified gluten free. The only one not certified is the brand of almond butter utilized, but have had conversations with the brand and personally trust that it is safe for me to consume. Again, what I deem safe for myself may be different than what you deem as safe for you to consume.

This recipe is perfect for one or two people to enjoy! You can also double it or triple it depending on the size of group you are sharing it with.

You can store this yummy treat into a glass container that can be sealed with a lid!

If you do make these in your own kitchen / a friend’s kitchen / a family member's kitchen, please tag me in your creations, so I can see! 



  1. Melt the chocolate chips and almond butter together either on the stove top or in the microwave. Do not overheat - either way you decide to melt the items, make sure to keep an eye on it and constantly stir the mixture. You do not want the mixture to thin out too much. If you are utilizing the microwave, heat up for 30 seconds, stir, and heat up for another 30 seconds.

  2. Put the cereal into a medium sized bowl and pour the almond butter & chocolate over the cereal. Mix together well.

  3. Pour the powdered sugar into the cereal mixture until it is disbursed throughout the entire mixture!

  4. ENJOY!


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